মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ জুন, ২০১৬

13 Pinterest Engagement Musts + 5 Pinterest Please Don’ts

Even if you aren’t in a ‘beautiful’ or ‘creative’ industry, Pinterest can still be one of your most powerful social media marketing resources out there. Don’t let your lack of unique photos or graphics keep you from this booming social network.  Chances are your competitors have the same apprehension surrounding Pinterest; so, get ahead of the game and start a Pinterest page for your business.  If you’re just starting out on Pinterest, be sure to grab our free ebook at the bottom of this page! And definitely check out our Pinterest cheat sheet.

Once your page is set up, it’s time to plan and strategize. When it comes to implementing a successful Pinterest marketing strategy, there are three basic elements that you need to focus on: pins, repins, and followers. Not only do you want to focus on these areas, but you want to find ways to increase them. More engagement leads to a bigger reach and more referral traffic to your website.

Here’s how to start growing your Pinterest engagement metrics (in no particular order):

  • If you have a blog or a website (hopefully both), make sure it has all of the social media buttons, including a “Pin It” button so that your site can get some love on Pinterest. Get your “Pin It” button here.

  • Do your research to find out when the best days and times are to be active on Pinterest. In general, studies have shown the highest number of pins are generated between 2-4pm and 8pm-1am. You will typically have the most luck with repins on Saturday mornings.

  • Take advantage of group boards with a high number of followers. Pinning items to these boards can help to expand your reach and get you in front of an audience that may not have heard of your brand otherwise.

  •  Always add (con)text to your pins drive a significantly higher repin rate.

  • Allow your pins to be shared on your other social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter to encourage repin activity.

  • Assign categories to the Pinterest boards that you create to help users easily stumble across your pins. This can also lead to a higher repin rate.

  • Don’t be afraid to include a call-to-action that asks people to repin your pin. While you may not necessarily want to do this with every post, you may be surprised at the number of people that are willing to repin simply by you asking them to.

  • When possible, opt to pin images with red tones as they are twice as likely to be repined than those with blue hues. Also, images that include multiple colors are much more likely to be repined than those that use a single color.

  • Keep in mind that images that do not include faces are 23 percent more likely to be repined than those that do include faces.

  • Be very selective when attempting to sell something on Pinterest. When you do decide to “sell”, be sure to use the “$” sign sparingly so that you do not appear as pushy.

  • Encourage further discussion just as you would on a text-based social media platform.  Adding a question in the comment box is the best and easiest way to do this.  Stick with open-ended questions that are likely to encourage further discussion about the pin the question is associated with.

  • Be a social Pinterest butterfly taking time to interact with other users and their pins. As with all social media, people are often curious about those who comment and interact with what they post; ultimately leading them to visit that person’s profile.

  • When you are creating a Pinterest board, make sure that the cover pin is perfect and eye-catching.  You also want to name each board in a way that is relevant, descriptive and catchy.

  •  Alright, there’s thirteen of the most relevant Pinterest power moves for your small business profile.  Once you start implementing them, you should see a nice boost in engagement and followers.

But beware, you can halt all of your progress if you start practicing Pinterest faux-pas.  So, before you ruin all of your positive growth, take heed and avoid these missteps at all costs.

  • Never use a photo that is not your own or is not available for free use.  When you find a photo with the proper copyright, make sure it is properly attributed.

  •  Speaking of attribution, make sure that any photos used are properly attributed to the owner of the image and add the information in the description box.

  •  When you pin something, make sure that the link used goes back to the original source.

  •  Do not over-pin and try to do no more than five consecutive pins.

  • Do not post random pins.  Keep your pins in line with your brand and business to keep your marketing message clear.

Hopefully, you’re now ready to make Pinterest an everyday part of your social media marketing efforts.